Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
- Civil status: Married, 3 children
- Nationality: Colombian, Spanish and Resident in the U.S.A.
- Age: 67 years
- Place of birth: Cartagena
- Date of birth: April 8, 1941
- Profession: Attorney
- High School: Gimnasio Bolívar-Cartagena High School Diploma: 1961
- University: Universidad de Cartagena – Attorney: 1967
- Others: Universidad de Los Andes – High Level Management: 1970
Professional Experience
- Mayor’s Office of Cartagena – Government Secretary and Mayor. 1965-1966
- Attorney in exercise counseling international firms. 1967-1980.
- President of Rofra Corporación. Owner of dairy industrial firm in Florida-United States. 1980-1990
- Importer of Dairy Products from Europe and the United States to Colombia. 1980-1993
- Promoter and manager responsible for thermoelectric projects Flores I, Flores II and Flores III. Current generation of 450MW. Barranquilla, since 1993.
- Manager and person in charge of the sale of Termopaipa IV to the Steag Group in Germany. 1995-1996.TE
- Negotiator of the purchase of 25% of Banco Ganadero from Banco de la Construcción de Venezuela for an important group of Colombian stockholders. (Fidudan Trust, Banco Ganadero Stock, 53 stockholders).
Board of Directors of which I have been a member
- Termoflores, S.A., ESP (450 MW of generation), Barranquilla, Colombia, Main Member of the Board of Directors since 1993 and Adviser from 1993 until December 2007.
- Fiduciaria BBVA Colombia, Main Member of the Board of Directors since March 1996 and currently Chairman of the Board of Directors for the past 10 years until March 2008.
- Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Main Member of the Board of Directors in Colombia since March 1994 and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the past 7 years, until March 2008.